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Workers Needed:Harvest Hands

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

Matt Richards

Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
What a huge harvest!" he said to his disciples. "How few workers! On your knees and pray for harvest hands!"

You know God is doing something new, A New Wineskin church, and this time it takes all of us.

We need Help. We need workers.

We need people to faithfully attend; people to faithfully give, people to pray; people to help set-up and pack down equipment; people to pray for and with people; people to preach and share testimonies; worship teams, musicians; people to love people, disciple people; people to do security at church; People to welcome and take names and phone numbers and follow up people; people to be hospitable and have meals with people; people that can give lifts; bus drivers; Sunday school and youth workers, and so much more..

Not doing anything in church?

We need labourers. We need workers.

In an entertainment culture where people attend an auditorium in church, we need workers who can get stuck in.

There are many spectators, many do good-ers ,many well-meaning social justice warriors that do everything apart from preach the Gospel; but we need workers. Ministers.

Holy Ghost, fearless workers.

Workers in the field right now.

Is that you? Can you help?

If you want comfortable, entertaining; 'it's all about me church' then it's not for you.

If the above offends you then this is definitely not for you.

But if you want to be used of God and don't mind getting your hands dirty, hugging a homeless person without a mask, leading people to Jesus, making coffees, sitting with the broken, always being available to serve, and not caring how, then maybe this call is for you.

There are many chiefs, not enough Indians. Many critiques of how it should be run, but not many volunteers doing it.

Blood, sweat and tears is on offer.

Hardwork, rejection, disappointment and sorrow, and that's just the leadership team lol.

But great rewards too what great joy.

Not a salary on earth, but a great pension plan in Heaven.

What a time what a chance to serve Jesus.

What are you waiting for?.

Church as usual? Not gonna happen.

Church will not open the same again. THIS IS THE CHURCH. This is the field we need workers, WE NEED HARVEST HANDS RIGHT NOW.

Here's a picture of our amazing hardworking, incredible team, absolutely shattered.

We need, God needs, more workers.


Father thank You that it's a now time. Summertime, Harvest time. Send us workers for the harvest I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

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