Matt Richards

John 15:9 “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. Nlt
-- abide in my love, Esv -- Make yourselves at home in my love. Msg --- You must continually let my love nourish your hearts. Tpt --- Love this passage in John 15. Talks about abiding in Jesus, in the Word and in His love. I want my walk this week to be abiding, remaining, making myself at home in the love of God. When I am connected to Jesus love it makes me a better person. My experience and even my decisions are completely transformed. How can we really love anyone unless we are connected and are abiding in the love of God?. It makes all the difference. Many years ago i encountered God in a times of refreshing meeting around the toronto era. I got stuck to the floor for two hours and the love of God just flowed through me. When i got up i was so drunk, so overwhelmed by Jesus love that i walked up to some older ladies n said i really love you. I had never met them before but i felt such love for them They responded by saying " that's nice dear" Or something like that. I responded back :"no you don't understand i really love you." Ha ha but i did. You see if we abide, dwell, make our home in His love it will begin to flow out of us to others. Many people live in the past, some in the darkness of the present ,but this week decide to make yourself at home, live in His love. Take your shoes off, sit down, put your feet up and accept and live again in the Love of God. Prayer:
Father forgive me for being to busy or distracted to live in Your love. Holy Spirit help me to abide in Your love, to rest in You and let Your love nourish my heart today in Jesus Name amen.