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Writer's pictureMatthew Richards

Should I stay or Should I go..

Matt Richards 

Mark 5 :17,18 And they began to beg [Jesus] to leave their neighborhood. And when He had stepped into the boat, the man who had been controlled by the unclean spirits kept begging Him that he might be with Him. But Jesus refused to permit him, but said to him, Go home to your own [family and relatives and friends] and bring back word to them of how much the Lord has done for you, and [how He has] had sympathy for you and mercy on you.

A man, the Gardarene, as he became known had been mightily set free from demons. You would think the people of the town would be thrilled; but they asked Jesus to leave.

The area was, therefore, closed off to Jesus ministry.

The man set free then asks Jesus if he can be with Jesus and stay on the boat; and Jesus says no. Jesus tells the man to go home to his family and friends, and tell people what He has done for him.

You know we sometimes don't get the answer we are looking for. In this case, Jesus was not permitted in the region; but this was an opportunity for someone changed by the ministry of Jesus to stay and be a living witness.

There are some places your pastor can't go. There some places your favourite evangelist is just not going to have access too.

But you have. This man was the key to the region. Someone that was known, someone with a past. Someone radically changed by Jesus. Someone that knew the area, the people and had a huge sphere of influence.

You maybe the key to your locality. It may be openly hostile to Jesus but you may be able to reach it with the Gospel.

There are lots of people that want to be a missionary to the farthest parts of the world. And that is great. But it could be even greater if your called to get out of the boat and reach your friends, your family, and your whole region for Jesus.

There's a call to go and there is also a call to stay.

Never forget where the Lord has placed you.

You are the answer.


Father help me to share my story with those around me. Help me to win my neighbourhood for You in Jesus' name, Amen.

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