Matt Richards

Romans 16:20 And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you.
When we walk right with God, we can be assured that God will crush satan for us.
The problem is often than not we want to fight for ourselves, get all worked up, be upset and disturbed.
That's the enemies plan for us. He wants us disturbed and upset. In that way we can't enjoy Jesus and we take our aim off the ball.
As long as we are fearing and stressing and taking things into our own hands God isn't.
But as soon as we surrender everything to God He gives us a peace beyond understanding.
We don't need to fight our battles. We don't need to lose our peace.
Maintain your peace. Cast all your cares on the Lord. Submit all your plans and issues to Him. And trust Him to fight for You.
Peace is a weapon. You can have peace in the storm. Know this today that the God of peace is soon to crush satan under your feet.
Father I submit my fears, my stresses my problems to You. Thank You that You fight for me. Thank You that You are the God of peace and thank You for great peace today in Jesus' Name Amen.