Matt Richards
Amos 9:13 Behold, the days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.
This is beautiful, remarkable word brought by Micah this morning.
You know the days are coming when the ploughman will overtake the reaper.
It's now. It's this year.
Where while we are sharing the Gospel and preaching the Word, people will be getting Saved.
There's a move of God that's about to overtake us.
One time as a child I was on holiday with my parents. My dad was looking out to sea one time with binoculars.
As he did, paying no attention to what is near, a king wave came and just came and just hit him. He got soaked, it was so funny.
This is what I hear the Holy Spirit say.
Many fathers looking out to the future for a move of God. But looking out for something in the future but they will be surprised by a King Wave that catches them off guard. Soon.
We will be overtaken by a wave of Revival, a move of God, a suddenly that will get us all soaked.
The move of God that we've cried out for will surely come.
So come.
Father thank You that the King Jesus wave is coming. Thank You the ploughman will shall over take the reaper. So come Lord Jesus come. In Jesus' name amen.