Aiden Matthams
Isaiah 57:18-19 "I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, And restore comforts to him And to his mourners. “I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” Says the Lord, “And I will heal him.”
I like this promise. Here God is saying that healing is for those who are far off AND those who are close to God also. Sometimes it's easy (speaking from experience) as a Christian, to believe God that He wants to heal the sinners in order to save them and bring them near. BUT when it comes to ourselves, or those who have been Christian along time, it's like we can think God's not as concerned, or even worse, that we're sick because we're close to God. "It's not God's will to heal me, He's teaching me an important lesson by keeping me sick." (Sound familiar?) I want to expose this lie today, and boost faith that God has healing for His Children! For those who are close to God! It reminds me of the parable of the prodigal son. When he was still far of, the father ran to him and embraced him, But the older brother, who had stayed faithful, became jealous, and believed the lie that the father loved his brother more than he loved him. The father's response was, "Son, I love you! All that I have is already yours!" I want to prophesy this to someone today. Someone needs to hear this! God wants YOU healed, whole, well, prosperous, and joyful. It's HIS will for you to walk in the fullness of your inheritance NOW, in Jesus name. In Ephesians 1 Paul writes: "God has richly blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..." Every blessing (includes: healing for the body, healing for the soul, deliverance, mental soundness, peace and Joy, baptism of the Holy Spirit) is ours we just need to learn how to access it. It's accessed by the fruit of the lips. In other words, this is voice activated. When your lips line up with what God has already said and already accomplished, it activates the blessing that's already yours. The fruit is of the lips. Prayer:
Father thank You that You love me just as much as anyone, and that every blessing You have is mine to enjoy. Thank You for Peace and Healling that's mine in Christ Jesus. I renounce the lie that it's not for me, and choose to line up my lips with the word of God! In Jesus' name, Amen.