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Don't Interfere With My Isolation

Matt Richards

Psalm 68:6 God settles the solitary in families: he brings out those which are bound with chains:but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

God uses anything to communicate with us. Recently He has lead me to take several pictures.

Here's one from this morning. Don't know where this sign came from but found it at top of Mousehold stolen and disconnected.

(memory 2015)


Some people go round with this sign up over them . Don't interfere with my isolation. They wear it with grumpiness or a face of hostility pushing people away, pretending they don't want love and a home, but really craving acceptance and a family.

God wants to get in your face and interfere with your isolation, your solitary and put you in family.

It's your isolation that got you into this mess, but it's your connection that will get you back on track.

Connection to God, connection to others


Father Thank You that You take me from a place of isolation to a place of family. A place of wandering to a place of home. A place of agitation to rest. Feel free to demolish strongholds and interfere with my isolation. I choose to trust again and take the warning sign down in Jesus' Name, Amen.

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