Aiden Matthams
Isaiah 61:2-3 "He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory."
I think this is one of my favourite prophecies about Jesus ever. It was written about 400 years before He was born. And this prophecy is still echoing now, and is still true for today, because Jesus is alive and and He hasn't changed. Hallelujah! From this passage, I believe God is once again giving us beauty for ashes. This year has been a year of ashes, if there ever was one. Everyone's plans have been burned away in the fire of the pandemic. Australia actually had a physical fire devastating its land...and now with the riots in America. Many cities have been left with the ashes of shops, malls, cars, and other places that have been literally burned down and looted. Holidays, travel arrangements, business ventures, the economy, church structure, weddings, parties, schools....everything has been levelled to the ground in the fiery trials of 2020. Not to mention the families who have lost loved ones in all of this. There's widespread mourning. We have alot of ashes right now. But I believe for all who mourn, the time of God's favour has come! I believe that from the ashes of this terrible year, God is going to bring beauty. I'm reminded of this when I see the videos online of "ground zero", where the killing of George Floyd took place. Instead of riots, there is a revival going on right there. The Gospel being preached, people being saved and baptized, reconciliation and mercy is taking place right at the epicentre of this most recent disaster of 2020. That's Beauty for Ashes. So I'm filled with hope that God still has a crown of beauty for us in the UK too. In fact, I'm sure that global awakening is at hand and revival is also at hand. So for those that are mourning right now, Don't give up hope. God is bringing Beauty for Ashes once again, through this amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ, the hope of all nations. Prayer:
Thank You God for Your promises. Thank You that out of the ashes, You can bring hope, joy, peace, and restoration. We pray that over the nations of the earth today in Jesus' name, that from the ashes, will come beauty, and that we will see glory once again. In Jesus' name, Amen.