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Are You Living Under A Dark Cloud? (Speak Up Part 1)

Writer's picture: Matthew Richards Matthew Richards

Matt Richards

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. (ESV)
With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. (MSG)

You know Friday night on the beach was once again just Glorious.

What blessed me so much was it was forecast to rain from 15:00 onwards (heavy rain at that).

Not only did it not rain, but when huge, threatening, black clouds came, they blew over and even parted over us at the end.

So there were black clouds in front of us, black clouds behind us, and even to the sides of us; but not over us. Was it a crazy coincidence? Or in response to a prayer, speaking out loud to them, a mighty miracle? I think it was the latter, a sign that makes you wonder.

We spoke to the clouds and told them to go. And you know what they went.

You know this made me think. God made the children of Israel, God's people distinct and separate. They were not subject to the climate, the plagues did not come anywhere near them.

Are you living under a dark cloud?

Many Christians living under a dark cloud of depression, anxiety, failure, addictions, shame, and guilt to name a few.

You don't need to, you don't have to. You are not subject to them clouds anymore. In fact you can tell them to leave.

Don't ever let lack of finances, skills, education, connectionsor the weather for that matter dictate what you do for and with God.

Don't let the black clouds stop you.

Much of your Christian walk, the promises of God is accessed through faith and is voice activated, so speak to it. Speak to those clouds.

You know you are above the law. The things that affect others, like covid, depression, famine, recession, sickness does not have to affect you.

(This also includes not having to live under anger, revenge, bitterness, unforgiveness).

Because of Jesus, and His redemption through the cross I am free from the law of sin and death. I no longer have to be subject to those laws. I am free.

As the Message says: 'I no longer have to live under a continuous low lying black cloud'. Wahoo! Great news.

When all around me is in darkness and in a storm; I can live in a different atmosphere, a different light. I can live under an open heaven.

Why not speak to your darkness, your dark clouds and tell them to go.


Father thank You that You are the weather man. If you can stop the sun for Gideon and part the dark clouds for us then You can do amazing things in my life and my circumstances.

Thank You Jesus You have freed me from the law of sin and death. I am not condemned but forgiven.

I am in You Jesus. And in my position seated with You I now command clouds of poverty, clouds of infirmity, clouds of guilt, clouds of shame, clouds of depression and anxiety in fact I command all low-lying black clouds affect my vision and my growth to leave me and my family right now in Jesus name amen. Thank You in You Jesus I am free.

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